"I want to thank you for helping my family stop the foreclosure on our home. You did everything you said you would, like you said you would and we cannot thank you enough!" - B.H. and D.H. - New York

UCMA in the News

Reuters, The Prince George's Journal, The Prince George's County Times, The Prince George's Sentinel and The Enquirer-Gazette newspapers have all individually interviewed the founders of United Capital Mortgage Assistance and each of these newspapers have written articles about UCMA's unique Foreclosure Prevention-Default Resolution services.

Reuters "U.S. lenders cut deals to avoid foreclosure crisis"
"Rick Farr, managing partner of United Capital Mortgage Assistance, speaks about assistance he provides to home owners who are in financial difficulty due to subprime loans"..."said that he gets many calls from people like McQueen whose interest rates have risen so much that they just can't pay their mortgages. He firmly believes that inadequate information hurt many of the people who call his company for help in preventing foreclosure."

The Prince George's County Times
"We tell people not to rush into bankruptcy without trying to discover other solutions, because there are other solutions out there. We are the experts, we know what kinds of programs there are, the requirements for these program[s], and how to get our clients into these programs."

"We are determined to keep people in their homes."

"Our greatest satisfaction is the great feeling when we know we have helped someone to get back on their feet [and] out of a difficult financial situation."


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The Enquirer-Gazette
"United Capital Mortgage Assistance works with major mortgage lenders to find alternative to foreclosure."

"We sit down with the homeowner and go over their financial situation to show them ways in which they can prioritize their bills, cut corners in one area, possibly find part-time work to help make up the difference in other areas."

"We tell them right up-front if we don't think we can help them with their situation."

"...UCMA is not a lender or a mortgage broker and rarely recommends that clients try to borrow their way out of debt and added that poor credit and insufficient equity are not factors in his company's ability to assist clients."

The Prince George's Sentinel "Preserving Homeownership"
"Largo based firm prevents families who have fallen behind on their mortgage payments from losing their homes."

"We assist homeowners behind in their mortgage payments through a variety of programs and reinstatement options that are alternative to foreclosures other than bankruptcies."

"We are not credit driven or equity driven."

"What we're doing is making sure owners can find ways to afford the homes they have purchased. We want them to keep their piece of the American dream which is Homeownership."

"Our main focus is to save the house and the credit."


Call 1.800.474.1407

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The Prince George's Journal
"Homeowners on the brink of foreclosure or bankruptcy now may find other alternatives with the United Capital Mortgage Assistance, Limited Liability Co."

"Homeowners think borrowing money or filing for bankruptcy are their only two outlets when financial problems arise."

"UCMA provides a different avenue that is not detrimental to credit ratings, as filing for bankruptcy can be."

Contact UCMA and See How the "Real Experts" Stop Foreclosure.