"I want to thank you for helping my family stop the foreclosure on our home. You did everything you said you would, like you said you would and we cannot thank you enough!" - B.H. and D.H. - New York
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What can UCMA do to stop foreclosure and help us keep our home?
UCMA can help you stop foreclosure, help you stabilize your mortgage situation and get you back on track with your mortgage with your mortgage, while helping you create a financial
budget within your means to help you stay on track once we've helped you get back on track.
Since January 1997 UCMA's expertise has negotiated literally thousands of Loan Modifications on our client's behalf with lowered interest rates and restructured payments within our client's budgets, getting them caught-up and back on track with their mortgage on both Adjustable Rate and Fixed Rate Mortgages.
With a little cooperation from you, UCMA can help you protect your home, your assets and your credit without borrowing additional money or filing for bankruptcy.
2. What experience and credentials does UCMA have?
UCMA is one of the oldest, most experienced and most reliable Foreclosure Prevention Companies in America today. Since January 1997
- We at UCMA Stop Foreclosure. We DO NOT buy homes, we DO NOT sell homes, we DO NOT invest in homes,
we DO NOT refinance homes, we ARE NOT jacks of all trades and masters of none. WE DO Stop Foreclosure and UCMA CLIENTS DO Keep Their Homes -
WE ARE - Foreclosure Prevention Experts.
United Capital Mortgage Assistance has been referred by the local chapters of the United Way and American Red Cross, along with numerous other non-profit organizations, credit management companies, mortgage brokers, local attorneys and clergymen, past clients and others. Why do so many refer UCMA? Because they know, for eighteen (18) years UCMA has been helping people keep their homes.
UCMA is a Proud Member of the OnLine Business Bureau with no complaints and a perfect record.
Several local newspapers have written articles describing UCMA's foreclosure prevention expertise (to view - please click on "UCMA in the News" in our menu). In addition, past clients have provided us numerous personal testimonials stating how happy they were with UCMA for helping them save their homes (please click on "Testimonial" in our menu).
UCMA experts have successfully negotiated literally thousands of cases with program administrators through out the Country, thus allowing UCMA clients to get caught up and back on track with their mortgage payments.
3. Can UCMA help even after my
lender's attorneys are involved?
In most cases,
YES. UCMA has helped, literally, thousands of clients in the past eighteen (18) years resolve their mortgage
difficulties and help them get back on track with their mortgage payments, even
after the mortgage lender's attorneys have become involved (this of
course is contingent upon how far in the foreclosure process you
currently are).
4. My lender told me I must pay them all
the money I am behind or they will do nothing for me. Can UCMA still
help me?
UCMA has gotten literally thousands of
clients into nationally recognized "Mortgage Assistance Programs" (loan modifications and other workout programs) to
get them caught up and back on track with their mortgage even after
their mortgage lender insisted on all back payments or nothing. Once
UCMA can demonstrate that you can once again afford your home, with our negotiating skills, we are
confident we can get you into a "Mortgage Assistance Program" to get
you caught up and back on track with your mortgage.
5. What happens after I become a UCMA
After you become a UCMA client, UCMA notifies your mortgage lender and any attorneys that may be involved of our assistance and
requests specific information from them to immediately begin the
process of resolving your mortgage difficulties and stopping your foreclosure.
UCMA creates a Proposal For Modification (showing them exactly what modification(s) you qualify for) that's in accordance with lender (servicer) guidelines and then we begin the negotiating process on your behalf.
UCMA will update you throughout the entire foreclosure prevention process, this way you will know exactly what is happening with your modification every step of the way. We ask that you timely supply us with a few pieces of information, keep lines of communication open, save your mortgage money and UCMA does the rest.
And should you have any questions or concerns at any time throughout the Foreclosure Prevention-Default Resolution process, please, just give us a call at 1.800.474.1407
6. What if I can not afford my home,
what can UCMA do to help me then?
If you presently can not afford your home, but would still like to try
to KEEP your home, UCMA will offer proven techniques to help you
increase your income, decrease your expenses or both. As well, if you
are behind on credit cards and/or other unsecured debt, UCMA will guide
you to national non-profit credit management organizations that
specialize in lowering your monthly payments on the unsecured debt you
may have. These are some of the largest and most credible credit
management organizations in the nation. If you feel that you can not
afford your home and would like to SELL your home, we suggest that you
contact your mortgage lender and request information on any
Pre-Foreclosure Sale, Quick Sale or Short Sale Programs they may offer.
These types of programs are designed to allow you to sell your home
before a foreclosure sale has taken place.