"My whole family wants to thank you so much for helping us to keep our home. Everything is OK now. May God bless you and your staff. Keep up the good work. Thank you." - M.G. - Tennessee

Stop Foreclosure with Franklin Savings - Loan Modification

Stopping Foreclosure with Loan Modifications Since 1997

Are you behind on your mortgage or on the verge of getting behind in Franklin Savings and want to keep your home? Have you tried getting a Loan Modification to stop further foreclosure action against your home and have recently been denied? Does Franklin Savings keep asking for the same documents time after time or loose the documents you have sent them? Or did they tell you they would send you a Loan Modification package that you still have not received and you feel you may be getting the run-around and you need help in getting caught-up and back on track with your mortgage but not quite sure what to do? Call United Capital Mortgage Assistance today.

Our first priority at UCMA is to help you keep your home and stop your foreclosure with Franklin Savings . We are happy to answer all your questions and we'll clarify exactly how we help you qualify for, apply for and receive a Loan Modification with Franklin Savings . We will also discuss the foreclosure process with you in detail and explain all options available to help you stop foreclosure and keep your home. Our twenty (20) years of mortgage assistance is unsurpassed and we will utilize all foreclosure prevention options available to help you get caught up and back on track with your Franklin Savings mortgage.

We at United Capital Mortgage Assistance are experts with Loan Modifications. We have been assisting homeowners qualify for, apply for and receive Loan Modifications with Franklin Savings including The Making Home Affordable Modification for two (2) decades. With our numerous years of foreclosure help and Loan Modification assistance, you get the true "ins and outs" and the real "know how" needed to stop foreclosure in its tracks. That's almost two (2) decades of negotiating different types of Loan Modifications with restructured payments that fits our clients' budgets, getting them back on track with FHA, VA, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and other types of Conventional loans.

It isn't easy getting a loan modification, but with UCMA's expertise, we take the difficulty out of it for you and make it easy as possible. Once our services are utilized, we would then send you all documentation required by Franklin Savings , we help you fill-out those documents making sure they are all filled-out correctly and are precise. We then ask you to supply us with a few pieces of information, keep lines of communication open between us and United Capital Mortgage Assistance literally does the rest to help you keep your home and avoid foreclosure. With UCMA's know how, expertise and experience, you can rest assure that your Loan Modification with Franklin Savings will go through smoothly. Call United Capital Mortgage Assistance today.


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We continually update all clients on the progress of their loan modifications. During the loan modification process, our expert staff will update you throughout the entire foreclosure prevention process. Not only will we continually give you updates until your mortgage situation is resolved, but as well, we will inform you of the next appointment scheduled to contact your lender/servicer, so you will know exactly what is going on with your account at all times. And should you ever have any questions, just give us a call, at 1.800.474.1407.

After our negotiations with Franklin Savings is complete, we verify you have received the Loan Modification Agreement that we helped you get; we will go through it with you, making sure you understand the terms and after you sign and send it back, we verify that Franklin Savings has the Agreement in place and that you are once again current and that all foreclosure proceedings on your home with Franklin Savings has been stopped. We then call you, giving you the great news that you are back on track and once again current with Franklin Savings .

United Capital Mortgage Assistance has been referred by local chapters of the United Way and American Red Cross, including other non-profit organizations, credit counseling companies, clergymen, local attorneys, mortgage brokers, past clients and others. Why do so many refer United Capital Mortgage Assistance to help stop foreclosure? They know, with UCMA, homeowners who are behind in mortgage payments with Franklin Savings keep their homes.

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Loan Modification Help

We have helped homeowners qualify for and obtain loan modifications with lenders below.